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Richard III

Loyalty Binds Me

ISBN: 1445671549

King Richard III remains one of the most controversial figures in British history. Matthew Lewis's new biography aims to become a definitive account by exploring what is known of his childhood and the impacts it had on his personality and view of the world.

Richard III

Richard would be cast into insecurity and exile only to become a royal prince before his tenth birthday. As Richard spends his teenage years under the watchful gaze of his older brother, Edward IV, he is eventually placed in the household of their cousin, the Earl of Warwick, remembered as the Kingmaker; but as the relationship between a king and his most influential magnate breaks down, Richard is compelled to make a choice when the House of York fractures. After another period in exile, Richard returns to become the most powerful nobleman in England. The work he involves himself in during the years that follow demonstrates a drive and commitment but also a dangerous naïveté.

When crisis hits in 1483, it is to Richard that his older brother turns on his death bed. The events of 1483 remain contentious and hotly debated, but by understanding the Richard who began that year, it will become clearer what drove some of his actions and decisions. Returning to primary sources and considering the evidence available, this new life undoes the myths and presents a real man living in tumultuous times.

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Jeanette Melbourne

Matthew Lewis applies his legal mind to explain the complexities of the politics of the medieval period and also how and why decisions were made by both Edward IV and Richard III. A complete masterpiece of a book, well researched and a joy to read.

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Tony Riches

With a forensic approach to uncovering the facts, Matthew Lewis brings his literary style to relating Richard's story. By following the detail of his troubled boyhood, we begin to understand how the man who emerges from his brother's shadow might feel he has something to prove. Is this the definitive work on Richard III so far? I think it might be.

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Every chapter made me think about the bad King I was taught about and how the good old Tudors saved us from him and I believe Lewis is correct in that you can't ignore the first thirty years of his life and only take into account the last couple.

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Richard III

Richard would be cast into insecurity and exile only to become a royal prince before his tenth birthday. As Richard spends his teenage years under the watchful gaze of his older brother, Edward IV, he is eventually placed in the household of their cousin, the Earl of Warwick, remembered as the Kingmaker; but as the relationship between a king and his most influential magnate breaks down, Richard is compelled to make a choice when the House of York fractures. After another period in exile, Richard returns to become the most powerful nobleman in England. The work he involves himself in during the years that follow demonstrates a drive and commitment but also a dangerous naïveté.

When crisis hits in 1483, it is to Richard that his older brother turns on his death bed. The events of 1483 remain contentious and hotly debated, but by understanding the Richard who began that year, it will become clearer what drove some of his actions and decisions. Returning to primary sources and considering the evidence available, this new life undoes the myths and presents a real man living in tumultuous times.

Reviews of Richard III

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Jeanette Melbourne

Matthew Lewis applies his legal mind to explain the complexities of the politics of the medieval period and also how and why decisions were made by both Edward IV and Richard III. A complete masterpiece of a book, well researched and a joy to read.

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Tony Riches

With a forensic approach to uncovering the facts, Matthew Lewis brings his literary style to relating Richard's story. By following the detail of his troubled boyhood, we begin to understand how the man who emerges from his brother's shadow might feel he has something to prove. Is this the definitive work on Richard III so far? I think it might be.

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Every chapter made me think about the bad King I was taught about and how the good old Tudors saved us from him and I believe Lewis is correct in that you can't ignore the first thirty years of his life and only take into account the last couple.

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