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Richard III

in Fact and Fiction

ISBN: 1526727978

King Richard III remains one of the most infamous and recognisable monarchs in English or British history, despite only sitting on the throne for two years and fifty-eight days.

Richard III

His hold on the popular imagination is largely due to the fictional portrayal of him by William Shakespeare which, combined with the workings of five centuries of rumour and gossip, has created two opposing versions of Richard. In fiction he is the evil, scheming murderer who revels in his plots, but many of the facts point towards a very different man. Dissecting a real Richard III from the fictional versions that have taken hold is made difficult by the inability to discern motives in many instances, leaving a wide gap for interpretation that can be favourable or damning in varying degrees. It is the facts that will act as the scalpel to begin the operation of finding a truth obscured by fiction. Richard III may have been a monster, a saint, or just a man trying to survive, but any view of him should be based in the realities of his life, not the myths built on rumour and theatre. How much of what we think we know about England's most controversial monarch will remain when the facts are sifted from the fictions?

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Heidi Malagisi

With this particular book, I couldn’t put it down. I found it extremely enjoyable and overall fascinating. If you want a book that brings the fictional tales and examining the facts about Richard III, I highly recommend you read Matthew Lewis’ latest book, “Richard III: Fact and Fiction”. It is a re-evaluation of the facts that Richard III deserves.

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Despite being an avid lover of Medieval British History, I never knew all that much about Richard III. Thanks to Matthew Lewis' book, I am very curious to know more. I really enjoyed this book. The details about all the myths and legends surrounding this villainized king are laid out in comprehensive, easy to understand stories, and even a dunce like me could keep up.

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Whether or not you are a Richard III aficionado, this is a great book to dip in and out of. Intelligently sorted into chapters covering various times of Richard’s life and clearly written, it deals with all aspects of the man and certainly dispels those myths perpetrated by playwrights and others over the centuries.

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Richard III

His hold on the popular imagination is largely due to the fictional portrayal of him by William Shakespeare which, combined with the workings of five centuries of rumour and gossip, has created two opposing versions of Richard. In fiction he is the evil, scheming murderer who revels in his plots, but many of the facts point towards a very different man. Dissecting a real Richard III from the fictional versions that have taken hold is made difficult by the inability to discern motives in many instances, leaving a wide gap for interpretation that can be favourable or damning in varying degrees. It is the facts that will act as the scalpel to begin the operation of finding a truth obscured by fiction. Richard III may have been a monster, a saint, or just a man trying to survive, but any view of him should be based in the realities of his life, not the myths built on rumour and theatre. How much of what we think we know about England's most controversial monarch will remain when the facts are sifted from the fictions?

Reviews of Richard III

Goodreads Review
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Heidi Malagisi

With this particular book, I couldn’t put it down. I found it extremely enjoyable and overall fascinating. If you want a book that brings the fictional tales and examining the facts about Richard III, I highly recommend you read Matthew Lewis’ latest book, “Richard III: Fact and Fiction”. It is a re-evaluation of the facts that Richard III deserves.

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Despite being an avid lover of Medieval British History, I never knew all that much about Richard III. Thanks to Matthew Lewis' book, I am very curious to know more. I really enjoyed this book. The details about all the myths and legends surrounding this villainized king are laid out in comprehensive, easy to understand stories, and even a dunce like me could keep up.

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Whether or not you are a Richard III aficionado, this is a great book to dip in and out of. Intelligently sorted into chapters covering various times of Richard’s life and clearly written, it deals with all aspects of the man and certainly dispels those myths perpetrated by playwrights and others over the centuries.

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